Map Ranking

Lord Aragorn

Lord Aragorn
Opponents defeated: 215.150 (99.)
Tribe: DSOTM

Villages (20) Coordinates Points
001 | Angmar
489|539 10.538
002 | Isengard
489|540 7.942
003 | Minas Tirith
487|541 9.673
004 | Dol-Guldur
486|541 4.128
005 | Gundabad
485|537 5.926
006 | Mirkwood
484|543 5.993
007 | Lammoth
484|544 4.893
007 Kenya the Tiger
475|548 1.098
008 Storm the Tiger
476|551 1.060
009 | Utumno
482|547 8.249
010 | Umbar
480|547 5.252
011 | Edoras
482|548 5.322
012 | Barbarian village
483|548 1.002
012 | gg 10k pp wasted
469|559 6.298
Barbarian village
470|557 2.354
Bonus village
484|564 2.634
Bonus village
479|566 3.407
Bonus village
461|555 1.878
Tiger Woods
458|554 734
Village 666
485|550 10.029
Personal picture
Personal text
The shadow has taken much from me, but I will rise from the ashes of this darkness. By blade or fire, I will have my revenge, and the reckoning of my wrath will shake the foundations of Mordor itself.

The one who this message is for knows well — I will have my revenge, and none shall escape it.

Achievements on other worlds
Classic 3

World 75